The Times sneers


The New York Times works itself up into blinding self—righteousness today, editorializing about the Uno de Mayo general strike. It slurs and cries "shame" at those who do not get misty—eyed at the sight of children skipping school ("assimilation—minded moms, dads and children") and marching mostly peacefully. It thunders:

The worst among our citizens and politicians are eager to depict illegal immigrants as criminals, potential terrorists and alien invaders. [emphasis added]

You have to be the dregs of humanity to notice that people breaking the law are actually breaking the law — at least in the social world of the New York Times. But then again, the Times manages to avoid unpleasant information on a regular basis. It practices worldview journalism.

People who think unpure thoughts ought to be ashamed. You know the type, I am sure. So unlike the fine people of the New York Times.

It is not only the border—obsessed Minutemen who should be shamed by yesterday's joyous outpouring.

Yes, only an obsessed redneck would ever care about a silly thing like a border. The Times manages to sneer while declaring the nonsense that borders don't matter.

All the 'tude that's fit to print.

Ed Lasky and Thomas Lifson   5 02 06

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