Are We Fighting A War or Not?


The left, and most of all, the Democrats in the United States need to come out and state categorically whether or not they believe we (the West) are in a war or not. Some Democrats have made their position quite clear. For example, John Kerry stated in 2004 that he believed the war on terror should be primarily fought in the courts by prosecuting terrorists rather than killing them on the battlefield. This is the viewpoint that many on the left seem to hold despite their failure to say it publicly.

What is also very apparent is that the left has called for cutting and running from virtually every major conflict since the end of the Korean War. Never do we hear a Democrat, liberal, or lefty saying that we should stay the course, be steadfast, and achieve final victory. Rather we hear the words "redeploy", "peace with honor" (Nixon, but embraced by the left), "reposition", and "exit strategy". Call tit whatever you want, but the bottom line means defeat, loss, and shame. None of the qualities a superpower should ever embrace.

The recent actions by the NY Times, LA Times, and other media outlets exemplify that the left does not take the war seriously. Despite 9—11 claiming more American lives than Pearl Harbor, the deaths of almost 3000 troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, hundreds of coalition soldiers being killed, the London bombing, the Madrid Bombing, the Bali Bombing, the terror plots in LA, Toronto, Madrid, and around the world. Its almost staggering that the threat is not taken more seriously than it is. We are facing an enemy around the world not bound by geographical barriers, language, or culture. We face an enemy united under the religion of Islam twisted by fanatics and bent on the destruction of Western Civilization and the imposition of Islamic Fascism.

It is a fight we must win. The future of our civilization depends on it. The shield that the NY Times is currently hiding behind, frees speech, would be non—existent in a world where America and more broadly, Western Civilization, was not dominant.

Take today's column by Richard Cohen of the Washington Post. His column is mainly an attack on Alberto Gonzalez, belittling him as a puppet, a dupe, a dummy, a fraud. Certainly no one we should take notice of in the war on terror, because Gonzalez's real aim is merely to frighten us, not protect us. In fact, he claims the Bush Administration lies about everything related to terror, and thus has no credibility whatsoever.

That would make it difficult to explain why not one American target has been attacked successfully since 9—11. However, it does help explain why the American people do not trust the Democrats with national security, and may not ever again for some time.

Even if some on the left will admit that we are at war, most believe that it is one we have brought upon ourselves for meddling unnecessarily around the world. They fail to mention that the United States closed bases around the world upon request by the foreign government. The US is not in a single country where it is not welcomed by that country. Yes, even Afghanistan and Iraq want American forces to stay until stability is restored. Democracy will take root in Iraq and Afghanistan so long as US forces remain until peace is won (not negotiated).

Until the Democrats figure out if they actually want to win a war or not, I doubt they can truly consider winning Congress back let alone the Presidency.
Jonathan Strong   6 27 06

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