Hallowed Human Shields (a poem)


Libs think Hillary's smart as a whip,

I think she's just a fraud.

She couldn't hold Ann Coulter's slip;

Ann's America's sharpest broad.

She chews up liberal talking heads,

With wit so quick and cunning,

Rips Alan Colmes to bloody shreds,

And sends Matt Lauer running.


But now she's really gone too far,

All the liberal lambs are bleating;

Is there nothing sacred she won't tar?

My word, she's widow—beating!

'Can you believe it?' reporters gasp,

'Those are victims that she's dissing;

How dare that vicious rightwing asp

Threaten widows with her hissing?'


Our lovely Ann's beyond the pale,

Got the Libs all hot and fuming;

Why, this attack is off the scale,

Sacred cows this blonde's exhuming.

And with every shovelful of dirt,

We see from her indiscretion,

How Libs exploit such human hurt,

Then dare our right to question.


No, we mustn't challenge anything,

Regardless how dumb or windy,

From a brain—fried lefty dingaling,

Like grave top screeching Cindy;

Or Cleland, Murtha, and Kerry,

Because of war, beyond aspersion,

Or those Jersey Widows Merry,

No, we daren't dispute their version.


But Ms. Ann, so lithe and lethal, went ahunting in Liberal fields,

And sank her fangs in the haunches of their hallowed human shields.


Russ Vaughn

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