Guess who?


Here's an interesting question in light of current world events, 'What terrorist organization was responsible for the most number of American deaths prior to the 9/11 attacks?'  A tough question and the answer might surprise you.

J. Cofer Black, the U.S Department of State Coordinator for Counterterrorism from 2002—2004, gives the answer.  He was at a press conference in 2004 when asked by an A.P. reporter about the greatest international terror threat.  His answer

Thank you very much. The answer to your question is in particular from the American perspective, if I can be allowed that. Before 9/11 the terrorist group that had killed more Americans actually was Hezbollah and with the catastrophic attacks of 9/11 Al—Qaeda moved up in that deplorable category as having killed more Americans.

Hezbollah?  Oh yes, the same Hezbollah that killed 241 U.S servicemembers in Beirut.  The same organization that destroyed our embassy in Beirut in 1983, killing 63.  The group that again bombed our Beirut embassy in 1984, killing 2 U.S. soldiers.  The same Hezbollah that kidnaped and killed numerous Americans through the 1980's including Colonel William Higgins and CIA Station Chief William Buckley.  And yes, the same organization responsible for the hijacking of TWA flight 847 in 1985.

Now with this information, try to name any retaliation by our government in response to these attacks.  Having trouble coming up with something?  That's because there was never any serious attempt to hold Hezbollah accountable for a decade of terrorism against our country.  A fact we Americans should remember as Israeli soldiers now conduct a military operation against this group. Actions the U.S. should have taken 20 years ago.

Steven Sanders   7 16 06

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