How screwy is the IAEA? (International Atomic Energy Agency)


A multiple choice question. Please choose one or more:

A. Screwy enough to fire its tough chief inspector for Iran nukes, Chris Charlier, as demanded by Ali Larijani, the head foreign policy spook for the Mullahs.

B. Screwy enough to allow its 15 inspectors to be constantly bugged and videotaped by Iranian heavies. ("Wherever we went, whatever we did, they always followed us, monitoring us with video cameras and capturing every single one of our conversations. Never letting us out of their sight for a second, watching everything over our shoulder.")

C. Screwy enough to ignore its Chief Inspector's public statement that "Tehran is obviously making a bomb."

D. Screwy enough to earn a Nobel Peace Prize for Mohammad El—Baradei from the official Nobel Prize Committee for Endless Sef—delusion.

James Lewis   7 19 06

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