Islamic terror compared to resistance to Nazis


From Ummah News Links:

THE HAGUE, 22/07/06 — Socialist Party (SP) leader Jan Marijnissen has suggested that Islam terrorism may be compared to resistance against the Nazis during World War II. "Terrorism occurs in all times and places and its objective is usually to make things as unpleasant as possible for the occupier", he says in an interview for Penthouse magazine.

"During World War II, Dutch people thwarted nazi Germany's destruction machine by blowing up town halls, because this was where the Jews were registered. Things are not all that different in the Middle East. Islamic fundamentalism, including the terrorist wing, is a reaction to Israel's occupation of Palestine, to America's presence in the Middle East and to the West's support of undemocratic regimes in the Middle East."

Another man so open—minded his common sense has fallen out.

Thomas Lifson   7 22 06

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