Know your enemy


The next time Hezbollah is characterized as a social welfare movement by the New York Times and others, consider this from the New York Sun:

Just like Hitler fought the Jews, we are a great Islamic nation of jihad, and we too should fight the Jews and burn them."

— Hisham Shamas, political science student, at a symposium hosted by Hezbollah's Al—Manar TV at Lebanon's largest and only government—run university, Universit Libanaise, November 29, 2005  [...]

Taking a page directly from the Nazis' propaganda playbook some 62 years later, the terror organization Hezbollah is manipulating the press in the same way. Hezbollah's press officer, Hussein Nabulsi, has been giving Western press and broadcast outlets, including CNN, the Boston Globe, and the Chicago Tribune, daily tours of bombed—out Hezbollah—controlled southern Beirut.

During the July 18 broadcast of Wolf Blitzer's "Situation Room" on CNN, Mr. Nabulsi took a CNN correspondent, Nic Robertson, to a bombed—out area he said was "only inhabited by innocent civilians." Mr. Robertson was overtly sympathetic to Hezbollah's claims, telling viewers, "We didn't see any evidence of military infrastructure."

Ed Lasky   7 26 06


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