The Saudi/Tom Friedman peace plan in peril


The New York Times reports a truly alarming development: the conflict in Lebanon is threatening the Saudi—New York Times Peace Plan. Readers of the Times will remember that this plan was actually conjured up by columnist Tom Friedman who was discussing the outlines of such a plan in the good offices of a Saudi Prince when said Prince miraculously pulled such a plan from one of the drawers of his desk.

The plan outlines a total withdrawal from areas Israel has "occupied" since the 1967 War, a just resolution of the refugee issue, and guaranteed peace and acceptance of Israel by all the other Mideast nations. Of course, the plan was not worth the paper it was written on (which did not prevent the New York Times for advocating such a plan in its editorial pages for many months afterwards).

Saudi Arabia could not, of course, "guarantee" any peace. As we see, the Shiites in Lebanon and Iran do not listen to the Sunnis and Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia. Nor do many other nations or groups. Of course, the Saudis were and are the great paymasters behind Sunni extremism and continue to spend billions to export extremism and anti—Semitism throughout the world, and have given money to Hamas, recently. Yet, somehow these same Saudis would enforce a peace.

In pulling this old chestnut out of the flames, the Times is continuing its campaign to prevent Israel from exercising her right to self—defense.
Ed Lasky   7 28 06

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