Canada's Liberals face turmoil


The was a blog published by Thomas Hubert,a vice president of communications for The Liberal Party of Canada. He blogged and commented some really nasty anti Israel stuff.

He resigned today. His blog is gone with an apology to all who may have taken offensive by his rantings. 

But the Canada—Israel Committee thinks that's not enough and is calling for his suspension from the party's executive council:


Canada—Israel Committee National Chair Marc Gold called upon the Liberal Party of Canada to immediately suspend LPC (BC) Executive Council member Thomas Hubert for his barrage of vitriolic, anti—Israel comments.

"While Mr Hubert is entitled to hold whatever private views he wants, the Liberal Party of Canada must ensure that its officials articulate positions that are consistent with long—standing party policy. In this case, Mr. Hubert displays a shocking vulgarity and intolerance for a sister democracy and is clearly unfit to represent the Liberal Party in any official capacity," said Gold.

Moshe Ronen, CIC Co—Chair, reacted strongly to Hubert's comments that appear on a Liberal internet site. "Comments that characterize Israel as 'the most vile nation in human history' and resurrect the odious references to blood libels by describing Israel as 'a state that survives on the blood of innocent people' are simply reprehensible. The Liberal Party must repudiate both the statement and its author immediately. This is especially the case for Liberal leadership candidate, Gerard Kennedy, on whose campaign Mr. Hubert has been working since joining the Liberal Party some months ago.

And a Liberal MP denies cozying up to Hezb'allah

OTTAWA (CP) — Liberal MP Boris Wrzesnewskyj has denied reports he said Hezbollah should be taken off Canada's terrorist list.

The politician, from the Toronto riding of Etobicoke Centre, is one of three opposition MPs touring the southern region of Lebanon on a fact—finding mission.

The group has come under fire for comments suggesting that Canada should be more open to talking with Hezbollah. Wrzesnewskyj was quoted in some newspaper reports Monday as saying the group should be removed from Ottawa's official list of terrorist organizations.
Wrzesnewskyj said Monday he favours changing Canada's laws that forbid any contact with known terrorist organizations. He said the law undermines efforts to seek lasting peace between Israel and Hezbollah guerrillas after a brutal 33—day war.

Small Dead Animals, the wonderful Canadian blog has more details.
No wonder supporters of Israel are abandoning the Liberal party which has for too long monopolized Canadian politics with the connivance of that nation's media and elite.

Clarice Feldman    8 21 06

Update: 8 22 06   9:00 AM PDT

August 22, 2006 — From last night's CTV national news:
Leading member of BC Young Liberals resigned
21 August 2006
CTV News — PM

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