Clueless in Seattle


Dave in Seattle, never clueless, writes:

While the rest of the media world argues about the issue of faked / staged / mis—captioned newsphotos, the Seattle Post—Intelligencer protects its readers by not covering such foolishness.  And as if to emphasize their distain for the latest media scandal being puffed up by the wingnuts, the P—I even ran a mis—captioned photo for us just this morning, just as if nothing has happened in the last few days that might make you doubt what you see in a newspaper.

It is an Israeli F—15 dropping a type of flare used to decoy away any heat—seeking missiles.  Well, that is what someone knowledgeable would say, anyway, but it is apparently not sufficiently pro—Hezbollah in its implication that these terrorists are well—armed.

So the P—I helps us with a more nuanced interpretation of what is really happening.... the plane is "dropping missiles"!  The only "missile" we can see is "dropping" so much that, unlike most missiles, it is falling far behind the airplane that launched it (like a dropped flare would), instead of shooting out in front of the plane toward an orphanage, like they are supposed to!

The stupid Israelis are not only dropping missiles instead of shooting them, but they are lighting fires in tire—dumps instead of real targets (see the USN&WR magazine cover). 

I am so glad the P—I protects me from all these confusing details, and blogger tempests.  Combined with visuals from MSNBC and audio from NPR, it's just like being in a protective cocoon!

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