Int'l Red Cross helping Hezb'allah


Israel has destroyed bridges being used to transfer supplies and terrorists to Hezb'allah forces in the Southern part of Lebanon. Regardless that some of the people in this New York Times article are murderers, the International Red Cross aids and abets them, helping their effort to circumvent the damage and travel south to kill Israelis and terrorize fellow Lebanese.

Recall that International Red Cross ambulances have been used by Hezb'allah (as they have been used by Palestinians) to transfer fighters without fear of Israeli actions, since Israel honors, as they don't, the Red Cross (Crescent) affiliation. The International Red Cross president is asking Israel to grant safe passage to its workers.Yet, the International Red Cross for decades prevented Israel's emergency medical service from joining, and when finally compelled to do so by US pressure, made Israel accept humiliating terms to do so. Some humanitarians.

Ed Lasky   8 10 06

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