Say hello to the grand jury, Sid


A.J. Strata informs us that Sidney Blumenthal has leaked the fact that NSA is assisting Israel—region> in tracking weapons shipments from Iran—region> and Syria—region> to Hezbollah, gaining him anti—Israel supporters and (one hopes) a chance to talk to the grand jury investigating NSA leaks:
Why would Sydney Blumenthal risk everything to publicize the fact he has been leaked — and is publicizing — classified information? The leftwing, anti—Israel sites are lapping this up. But my guess is Sidney just won himself an invite to a Grand Jury looking into leaks at the NSA:

A report by columnist Sidney Blumenthal in Salon claims that Israel—region> is receiving intelligence from the US—region>'s National Security Agency.
Blumenthal claims to be in touch with 'a national security official with direct knowledge of the operation' to supply Israel—region> with signals intelligence from American assets to help it monitor armament transfers from Syria—region> and Iran—region> to Hezbollah. He states that President Bush has approved the intelligence sharing. [....]
...whatever idiotic Walter Mitty fantasies that are running through this loser's head it is clear he just alerted Iran and Syria and Hezbollah to the fact their activities are being monitored, giving them clear warning to change tactics if they want to remain undetected. When did the left become so overwhelmed with Bush Derangement Syndrome that they would help terrorists move military supplies into the battle field so more Israeli civilians can die?
Clarice Feldman   8 03 06
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