Stuck on Stupid


Senator Joe Lieberman refuses to endorse or  campaign for the other Connecticut Dems on the ticket and the left goes wild with rage. Captain Ed weighs in intelligently as usual.

"Firedoglake, MyDD, and even the normally reasonable Middle Earth Journal all claim shock and anger over this development. The same voices who called for Lieberman's expulsion from the party earlier in the week and have worked to defeat him despite a solidly Democratic voting record now fume because the man they spent the summer reviling won't endorse their other candidates. None of them answer the obvious question: if you detest the man so much, why would you want his endorsement?

Lieberman is exploring the many facets of independence in American politics, and the people who forced it on him still express surprise and anger over it. The only surprise here is that they're surprised."

Like Wilson and Plame who keep drawing attention to themselves and then acting outraged  and demanding that their privacy should be protected  when those they attack defensively  respond, the left feels entitled to wage ferocious battles against their perceived enemies in the expectation that there should be no consequences . They have a nutter's view that those enemies, no doubt in recognition of the left's moral superiority or just general wonderfulness, should continue to  lend the left assistance whenever asked to provide it.
Clarice Feldman   8 26 06

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