ABC and Clintonian denials


Reports that ABC is considering yanking from the airwaves its dopcu—drama The Path to 9/11 show that free speech and opposition to censorship are not exactly principles, but rather expedients as far as key Democrats are concerned. Docu—dramas, by their very nature, do not accurately convey every detail.

It is useful to recall the nature of denials by ex—President Clinton.  His technique in the past has been to seize on a trivial detail in a unit of testimony and use that detail to impeach the entire unit.
For instance, if there was a discussion between two people, and one of them is shown as holding a cigarette with his right hand whereas he actually smoked with his left hand, that would be the basis for Clinton to say "that story is wrong; that absolutely never happened." 
So we have to be careful about the criticisms we are hearing of the upcoming 9/11 film by interested Clintonian parties.
Greg Richards   9 08 05

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