Ed Koch's reminder


Former New York Mayor Ed Koch has an op—ed in the New York Press which demands to be read. A sample:

Why do so many Americans refuse to face the fact that our country is at war with international terrorism? [....]

One Congressional Democrat, John Conyers of Michigan, announced his intention to impeach the President when Republicans lose control of both Houses of Congress.

There is something terribly wrong with people seeking to demean and weaken the president in wartime, thereby strengthening our country's enemies. As a result of the language and tactics of those opposed to our presence in Iraq, our enemies have been emboldened, believing the American public to be sharply divided on the war, and in fact at war with itself. To other countries, Americans appear pitted against one another not in an election, but in a verbal bloodbath, convincing the world we are impotent—a paper tiger.

The tyrannical forces in Iran led by its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, make clear that if they can destroy us, they will. Ahmadinejad has said about the United States, '...Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism?...you had best know that this slogan and this goal are attainable, and surely can be achieved...' Ahmadinejad has also stated his goal of destroying the state of Israel several times, saying, '...Israel must be wiped off the map.'

If a sovereign nation makes such threats, do those who are threatened have to wait until the missiles are in the air before taking action? Or may threatened states defend themselves with preemptive action?

James Lewis   9 06 06

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