Compel Israel into appeasing Palestinians/ Syrians


That's apparently what the New York Times—owned Boston Globe advises in an editorial today.

The soundest way to resist the spread of Iran's influence —— which worries Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the smaller Gulf states as much as it does Israel —— would be for Washington to change the status quo by shepherding Israelis and Palestinians into an end—of—conflict peace accord. Similarly, Tehran's trouble—making reach could be curtailed, and Lebanon could be saved from having to endure another proxy war on its territory, if US diplomacy were able to guide Israel and Syria into a peace treaty.

I guess they conveniently forgot Ahamdinjad's desite to wipe Israel off the face of the map. I doubt the Shiite regime in Iran cares that much about the Palestinians except to use them as cannon fodder.
Yep..everything will be solved if it wasn't for those Israelis..sounds eerily familiar.

Ed Lasky   10 19 06

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