Muhammad's legacy


Yesterday, I pointed readers to an excellent book review of Andrew Bostom's The Legacy of Jihad, written by Lee Harris for Policy Review. Today appears another worthwhile book review, this time in the Washington Times, with the review written by Andy. The subject is Robert Spencer's new book The Truth About Muhammad, which is on my own must—read list. 

Mr. Spencer's stated purpose in writing the book was to elucidate, in particular, those aspects of Muhammad's life used by Muslims today to rationalize violence, or other behaviors incompatible with Western constructs of human rights and dignity. And Mr. Spencer, whom I have come to know through my own independent research on Islamic doctrine and history, fulfills admirably his pledge not to "deride," "lampoon" or "mock" Muhammad, but instead compose "a scrupulously accurate account of what he [Muhammad] said and did" regarding these critical matters. [...]

The final chapter is a brilliant analysis of Muhammad's disturbing modern legacy. Mr. Spencer provides understated, scrupulous documentation of the consequences of Muhammad's status as "an excellent example of conduct" (Koran 33:21), invoked by contemporary Muslim clerics, governments, journalists and jihadists alike: exploited child brides and general misogyny, sanctioned by law; Draconian, mutilating punishments such as stoning for adultery and amputation for theft; jihad violence against non—Muslims and Shari'a (Islamic Law)—sanctioned oppression of non—Muslims under Muslim rule.

Start with this review, and then buy and read the book.

Thomas Lifson  10 15 06

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