Is the Globe scrutinizing everyone?

The continued hit job being done by the Boston Globe on Mitt Romney over illegal immigrants leads to the question of whether or not the Globe will be applying the same standards across the board to other politicians and business as well as the paper itself.

The story revolves around Romney's use of a company that takes care of his yard.
The Globe thought it was such a big story they actually sent reporters to Guatemala to investigate.

This type of investigative zealousness brings up the question as to whether or not the Globe intends on continuing this theme in general or is this a Romney-specific issue? Do they intend to bring more attention to the issue of illegal immigrants in Massachusetts by exposing other politicians who are exploiting this segment of the workforce or are they only interested in trying to damage Romney's presidential ambitions?

If fairness and not hypocrisy is a Globe concern then perhaps they could start right at home. Squaring the Globe blog points out a number of issues regarding the Globe's own delivery service for instance.

Can we expect to see an expose on just how many illegal immigrants are being exploited by the Globe everyday? Or will they tell us how they screen these employees and prevent their contractor from making the paper look stupid on this issue?

Another question they might answer is whether or not they will be changing the paper's editorial policy in general by now agitating for enforcement of immigration rules? Will they now oppose in state tuition for the children of illegal immigrants the next time it is taken up by the legislature?

If the policy has changed, then the paper's accounting department will be pleased to know that they won't have to fund any expensive trips to Guatemala to investigate the subject further. They only need station one of their young scoops around any number of places where illegal workers are picked up daily and transported to their respective job sites.

If it isn't the issue of illegal immigration or the individual themselves they are concerned with then perhaps they only need jot down the names of the companies who are using this practice. In case they didn't know, this can be done by simply reading it off the sides of the many trucks that pick up the workers.

In retrospect it seems quite foolish that the geniuses at the Globe would have exposed themselves to the same type of scrutiny that they have applied to Romney but I guess when you choose the stories that get major attention in the major Massachusetts media you can exhibit the anti Romney bias and over all general arrogance which is now on display at the Globe.

Another good example is the Globe's admirable championship of diversity in the workplace. A good example at the Globe of this is the fact that they have 2 Yale graduates amongst all the Harvard grads on the editorial board.
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