Libby Responds to Wilson's Motion to Quash Subpoena

Scooter Libby has responded to Joseph A. Wilson's Motion to Quash a Subpoena Libby isued to him as a "precaution" to assure he'd be available to tesify if necessary at the forthcoming criminal trial. Case 1:06-mc-00560-RBW  Document 4  Filed 01/03/2007

Aside from citing the relevant strong legal precedent in his favor, detailing his efforts to accommodate Wilson's travel schedule and deriding as factually absurd the claim that the subpoena is meant to harass Wilson and affect his civil case against Libby as to which there is a pending Motion to Dismiss, Libby sets out the factual reasons why Wilson may need to take the stand.

He observes that it was to rebut Wilson's lies that the office of the vice president responded to his claims. He notes that Wilson spoke to many reporters during the relevant period, many of whom will be testifying at trial. In this regard he names Matt Cooper's co-author, Andrea Mitchell , Judith Miller, Walter Pincus and Robert Novak.

Most interestingly, the Motion to Quash states:"Recent disclsures by the government show that Wilson had a relationship with one of the government's key witnesses in the case and was in contact with that witness regarding certain issues key to the indictment in the relevant period."  No name is given. I'd place my bet on Marc Grossman, Armitage's Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

The cross examination of Mr. Grossman should be interesting.
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