The return of the killing fields

The Examiner publishes a telling editorial today on what is likely to happen after Hillary Clinton and other Democrats get their way, and the US makes a hasty withdrawal from Iraq.

There is, however, one fundamental difference between 1972 and 2007. We know today what comes after the marchers have boarded their buses and headed home, the speeches have ended and the politicians have voted their resolutions. Once the enemy celebrates their victory, blood begins flowing across the killing fields. In Vietnam, millions of South Vietnamese were murdered within weeks of the North's April 1975 triumph, millions more spent years in brutal "re-education camps" and yet more millions became boat people fleeing the slaughter. In Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge created a Hell on earth that killed millions more innocents. Eventually, millions of Afghanis died because the Soviets were emboldened by America's defeat in Vietnam to send the Red Army streaming into Afghanistan.

If the "peace" movement succeeds in defeating America again, the blood will again flow across the killing fields, but this time it will create even more unimaginable horror and it will not all be in distant lands far removed from our comfortable neighborhoods here at home. The slaughter of Shia and Sunni in the streets of Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq will only be the beginning of the mass killing that will follow American defeat. With the Americans gone, al-Qaida will have a secure breeding ground from which to launch countless terrorists attacks against the U.S. and its allies around the world and here in America. Turkey will send troops into Northern Iraq and kill or otherwise eliminate all possibility of an independent Kurdistan. Jihadist radicals in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and elsewhere in the Muslim world will foment massacres, bombings and assassinations aimed at overthrowing remaining moderate regimes. [emphasis added]
Hat tip: Sally Vee
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