Things are getting tense in Iran

Regime Change Iran is reporting some very interesting news.
The Fars News Agency reports an Unidentified Flying Object crashed in central Iran. Could this be an unidentified explosion in a top secret facility instead?
An Unidentified Flying Object crashed in Barez Mounts in the central province of Kerman Wednesday morning.

Deputy Governor General of Kerman province Abulghassem Nasrollahi told FNA that the crash which was followed by an explosion and a thick spiral of smoke has caused no casualties or damage to properties.

He further denied earlier reports that the explosion has been the result of a plane or chopper crash, reminding that all the passing aircrafts have been reported as sound and safe.

The official further stated that investigations are underway by police and other relevant authorities in this regard.

While other reports spoke of meteors, Nasrollahi said there were no conclusive witnesses in this regard but he did not dismiss the possibility that the crash has been caused by a meteor.

Eye-witnesses assure that the explosion has been caused as a result of the crash of a radiant unidentified flying object onto the ground.
By the way, what do the Mahdi and the Prophet have to say about UFOs?

Also: A Russian Admiral, the former commander of the Black Sea Fleet is predicting a US attack on Iran's nuclear facilities:
Former Russian Black Sea Fleet Commander Admiral Edward Baltin said Tuesday that the presence of so many nuclear submarines in the Arab Gulf waters pointed to likely plans for a US attack against Iran.

Baltine, who was quoted by Interfax news agency, said the presence of US submarines in Gulf waters meant that Washington was contemplating a strike against Iran.

"The presence of the submarines indicates that Washington has not abandoned plans to launch a sudden attack against Iran," the admiral said.

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