Ann Coulter, warrior

The trouble with Republicans is that they don't know how to fight dirty! Although that's not a direct quote from conservative firebrand, Ann Coulter, it was part of the message she gave to about 1000 people at the Dallas/Fort Worth Hyatt Regency Hotel on Saturday night. The huge crowd of GOP loyalists, after enjoying a steak dinner with all the trimmings, sat attentively as the author, columnist and frequent guest on "The O'Reilly Factor" and "The Hannity and Colmes Show" dissected liberal Democrats like a skilled surgeon. The Jersey Girls, the Dixie Chicks, Hillary and Bill, the Scooter Libby trial and numerous other pet peeves were on the operating table as Coulter took them apart one by one.

With more elected officials than I've ever seen at one gathering, outside of a national convention, it was clear that Ms. Coulter is a popular figure in a political party that has held its collective tongue for too long. She talked about the radical liberals that dominate the Democratic Party by virtue of their no holds barred attacks on a sitting president during wartime. As Ms. Coulter alluded to, the Democrats make it next to impossible to win in Iraq, then they criticize the president for a failed policy. Let's face it; if Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and others of their ilk were to wake up tomorrow and discover that Iraq had become a full-fledged democracy, resulting in a stabilized Middle East, they would probable have arsenic for breakfast.

Because of their obsessive hatred for George W. Bush and their plot to put another liberal Democrat in the White House, these people have a vested interest in the failure of that war and they will do everything in their power to cause a loss for the United States. They have put a target on the back of every soldier and are hoping the terrorists are proficient marksmen. Ms. Coulter is right in her assertions; it's long past the time when patriotic Americans starting using the "T" word when referring to these power-hungry demagogues. What else can you call people who root for the enemy by endangering the lives of the troops? They don't merely hide behind the Constitution's freedoms, they abuse it and distort it to fit their nihilistic philosophy. If you call them traitors they say you're trying to stop them from exercising their right to free speech. Well, if they can exercise their free speech rights by calling the president a warmonger, a liar and a dictator, then I can exercise my rights by calling them traitors.

In her recent blockbuster book, Godless, the Church of Liberalism, Ann Coulter wrote about the "doctrine of infallibility" among those on the left. In other words, liberals will put up a spokesperson whom they deem impervious to criticism because of his/her victim status. After all, who would dare disagree with a group of widows who suffered the loss of husbands in the 9/11 attack on America? Ms. Coulter had the courage to criticize the so-called Jersey Girls when they began speaking out against the Bush administration's war on terrorism. Liberal Democrats encouraged them to denounce the war in Iraq, figuring they'd be invulnerable to attack. In the same way, radicals within this government continue to undermine the country's security as they provide aid and comfort to the enemy while feeling confident that no one would dare call it treason.

When Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins and Jane Fonda are the headliners at an anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-America rally, they receive the type of gushing praise and standing ovations once reserved for victorious generals and statesmen. After delighting the ragtag crowds with their caustic comments the Beverly Hills insurgents head for their chauffeured limousines with bodyguards close by. Having once again bitten the hand that feeds them so lavishly, these ungrateful publicity seekers race back to their mansions to watch themselves on television as they make a few more white lines disappear into their olfactory organs. These are the same malcontents who stand outside prisons carping about the death penalty as they struggle to save the lives of savage murderers. Yes, Ms. Coulter is correct; we must not allow the radical fringe to dominate the dialogue. Just as we are engaged in an unconventional war against terrorists; we must engage in an unconventional war against those who commit treason and try to label it freedom of speech.
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