The return of the paper ballot

This is good news for those of us who have been concerned about the lack of a paper trail with touch screen voting machines. I have another reason to be dubious of this technology.  

Last November county employees where I live went door to door rounding up senior citizens and driving them to the polls.  When I went to vote, I was surprised by how many of these elderly voters were in need of assistance because they were unfamiliar with touch screen systems.  As I watched I thought how easy it would be for a helper to say the ballot has been cast even though the machine was un-cleared and to then change the vote as the person in need of assistance left the booth.    Many of our seniors are already susceptible to suggestions on how to vote from caretakers and authority figures, making absentee ballot abuse among residents of nursing homes a  major source of low tech vote fraud.  The use of an unfamiliar technology that requires assistance for a great many elderly voters to use and then leaves no paper trail can only make this situation worse.


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