Update: Minneapolis Airport taxi mess

All you frequent (and not so frequent) flyers into Minneapolis-St Paul Airport no longer have to worry about getting a cab if you're carrying a closed package of liquor or guided by a seeing eye dog.  But why should they have had problems? 
Because Moslem taxi drivers, claiming these items violated their religion, refused to transport them.

After a loud, public protest campaign the Minneapolis Airport Commission established guidelines, fining drivers who refused potential customers.  Now they're seeking public -- that's you! -- input for stricter penalties.
A public hearing will begin at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 27, 2007, to solicit testimony from the public on the proposed increase in penalties. Hearing officers will likely break for dinner at 5 and return at 6 for additional testimony. The hearing will take place at the

Ramada Mall of America (formerly known as the Thunderbird Hotel)
2300 East American Boulevard
Bloomington, Minnesota.

Anyone with an interest in the issue is welcome to provide verbal or written testimony at the hearing.

The public hearing record will remain open from the date of the hearing until 12 p.m., Friday, March 2, 2007 for people who want to provide written comments regarding the proposed ordinance change. Comments should be addressed to:

Landside Operations Department
Metropolitan Airports Commission
MSP International Airport/Lindbergh Terminal
4300 Glumack Drive
Suite LT-3129B
Saint Paul, MN 55111-3010.

The Metropolitan Airports Commission board will consider input from the public in making a decision on any changes to our taxi ordinance and penalties.

Again, thank you for taking time to share your concerns on this issue. Feel free to visit our Web site, www.mspairport.com, for more information. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport has long been recognized as a leader in airport customer service. We are working to ensure cab service at the airport meets or exceeds our customers' expectations as well.

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