A world without America

A group called BritainandAmerica.org has produced a television commercial on the now-familiar themse of "a world without [fill-in... ]" It is very professionally and cleverly done (I like the hairstyles on the TV commentators from various years shown), and makes some excellent points. YouTube has it posted here.

I notice that YourTube patrons give it a low rating, apparently on political grounds. The left does seem to have a lot of acticists on the web these days.

While you are on YouTube, do not miss the the presentation "How liberals Think" by Evan Sayet, as originallyn recommended by Greg Richards.  I loved it, and emailers who have watched it are equally enthusiastic.
Click here, and spend the next 45 minutes with a set of ideas demanding attention, and presented with wit and insight.

Hat tip: Amil Imani

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