

Our friends at Citizen Journal have taken note of a bizarre abortion case in Boston.

This story isn't as surprising as it is sad. Jennifer Raper, a 45 year-old woman in Charlestown, Mass. is suing Planned Parenthood for a botched abortion. But she isn't claiming physical damages to herself or the baby - she is suing because very simply she now has a daughter she didn't want (according to the story, anyway) and costs too much.

Where to begin? If the plaintiff's version of events is true, there probably was negligence over at Planned Parenthood. And one wonders what kind of doctors over there not only botch an abortion but then overlook the pregnancy. But I guess this is the kind of health care one can expect at an abortion factory.

One also wonders how a woman who is not morbidly obese doesn't know she is pregnant until six weeks out, as Raper claims. Let's not ask.

Raper apparently cited "financial" reasons for her decision two years ago to have the abortion. Not rape, incest, etc. - that near-fictional boogeyman of the pro choice crowd. She didn't want the baby because the baby would've changed her lifestyle.

Lord knows this woman didn't have a baby shower, and now two years later she's adding up those boxes of formula and diapers and plastic toys, etc. So, with the assistance of a sleazebag plaintiffs' attorney, Ms. Raper will be shaking down Planned Parenthood and its deep pockets so she can afford that full-time nanny her neighbors have and resume her own duties as a member of Charlestown high society.

IIRC, courts in several jurisdictions have already held that so-called "wrongful birth" isn't a recognized "damage" under the law. This child, for example, couldn't sue PP for being burdened with life. But Raper claims economic damages -- babies are expensive. Lawyers call this "effective advocacy." You call it what you might.

Someday Ms. Raper's will realize her mother not only didn't want her, but hired doctors (perhaps) to vacuum her brain out of the base of her skull and heave her crumpled corpse into a dumpster. And she'll find out about her mother's incredible temerity, perhaps because mom and the dirtball lawyer are still slumming around the Suffolk County court system. When she does, though, she'll be happy to be alive. And the good news is, this is all that really matters.

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