Let's Play Guess Their Party

Can you tell the party the four indicted solons belong to? Does this story shed any light on why Iglesias was fired as US Attorney?

"Four people were indicted Thursday in an alleged kickback scheme that's at the core of the debate over the firing of U.S. Attorney David Iglesias.

Former state Senate President Pro Tem Manny Aragon, Toby Martinez, Raul Parra and Sandra Mata Martinez all face charges.

The U.S. attorney's office in Albuquerque says Marc Schiff, Ken Schultz and Manuel Guara had already entered guilty pleas in the case.

Investigators say the kickbacks were related to the construction of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Courthouse in Albuquerque.

Iglesias believes he was fired as the federal prosecutor for New Mexico for resisting pressure from Senator Pete Domenici and Representative Heather Wilson, both New Mexico Republicans, to rush indictments in an alleged Democratic kickback scheme before the November election."
Looks to me like just about every Democrat in New Mexican politics with the possible exception of the Governor was involved in a very transparent kickback scheme, though the local press and the former US Attorney seem rather coy about it all.
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