No WMDs in Iraq? Part II

The Washington Times reports today that US and Iraqi forces have seized caches of chlorine gas and nitric acid in Baghdad.  Last week in Anbar Province, Jihadis set off massive truck bombs laced with chlorine gas killing several people and sickening several hundred, including six US troops. 
The nitric acid,as nasty as it is, could be considered an industrial chemical of opportunity.  However, while the chlorine gas has valid industrial uses, it has been employed as a chemical weapon since WW I.  It is a potent agent that directly attacks the respiratory organs resulting in severe coughing, vomiting, and in some cases, death.
Its discovery in Bagdhad with a population of over 5 million, should be cause for concern in the Coalition command for a potential mass casualty incident. 
Meanwhile, we haven't heard a peep out of the "Bush lied"  crowd.
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