Scenes from an anti-war rally

From the website Conservative Propaganda:

One of the slogans amplified to the crowds was to support the resistance in Iraq. Yup, you read that right. They...wanted the useful idiots to support the insurgents killing and wounding our guys in Iraq, beheading Iraqis who work for America, and driving truck bombs into marketplaces.

Suddenly, a woman in a "Viva The Reagan Revolution" T-shirt jumped in the middle of the circle of socialists, waving an American flag and holding a sign: "Win the War or lose to Jihad!"   They mobbed her, covering her sign with theirs, lest a sane message infect the moonbats.   There was a struggle for the flag.   One of them grabbed the flag and tore it up while laughing at the woman he stole it from.  He walked around showing off the torn flag, his trophy, to his commie pals. I asked him why he tore that flag in half. "It's IMPERIALISM!" he shouted. That's your interpretation. What about her free speech? "It's HATE speech. It supports imperialism," growled the commie. That's your opinion, says I. What about free speech? "She shouldn't BE here!" yelled the commie, making haste to escape me into the crowd.
Read the whole thing...and check out the photos
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