"We Just Met the President!"

"Rudy," the Yankee fan from Brooklyn, hit a grand slam with the Los Angeles Dodger crowd who turned out Monday night to endorse "America's Mayor" as their candidate for the 44th President of the United States.  

Bill Simon, John Robison, Jon Liebman, Fred Wehba, Bill Mundell, Mark Burman, Frank Visco, and Ambassador Rockwell Schnabel hosted a private reception in Brentwood, California, honoring Mayor Rudolph Giuliani whose presidential bid is building grass-roots momentum across America, especially in the Golden State.
Mayor Giuliani drew huge applause for renaming the war, "The Terrorist War Against Us" and won over the enthusiastic crowd with Reaganesque humor, referencing his long-time nemesis, The New York Times.  When was asked about improving education, he cited free-market education as the solution, laying out bold strategies to ensure the future of our children.

Above all, "Rudy" showed himself to be the front-runner, not just for candor and substance, but as America's #1 problem-solver.   By emphasizing America's strengths, he inspired challenging questions and offered pragmatic solutions. "It's rare we have a candidate like Rudy Giuliani," remarked one guest, "We just met the President!"  

As for this observer, Rudy captures the hearts of America.  
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