Defining pedophilia down (updated)

Did you know that if a fifty-year-old man only marries a nine-year-old girl one time he's not really a pedophile? Yup, that's the reasoning of a Dutch court, in ruling that Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the heroic Somali-Dutch activist against Islamist abuse of women, should not have used the word "pedophile" to describe Mohammed.

According to the blog Dutch Report, the court decided that:

"It looks like if [Hirsi Ali] with the use of these words (pedophile) has sought the limits of the permissible. The term pedophile has been chosen unfortunate because for that there would be the need of a pattern, although it is in the story (the Koran) a one time event".
I didn't realize that choosing a six-year-old to marry (and then consummating the marriage when she was nine) was "a one time event." I thought marriage was a sort of a long-term deal. But then this is Holland, where divorce only requires a three-day waiting period. So maybe Mohammed divorced his nine-year-old bride after three days? As long as we are projecting Dutch standards back to the 7th century, I suppose you could say that Mohammed's marriage must have been a one-time event.

By that reasonining I guess Ayaan Hirsi Ali really did "push the limits of the permissible" speech after all.

It might have been a lot better if the judge had simply told the truth: That he was afraid to simply endorse Hirsi Ali's common sense.

Islamofascists constantly work to nibble away more and more and more of our moral standards, one little nibble at a time. And the civilized world retreats more and more. Pretty soon words don't mean what they obviously  mean any more. Fifteen illegally kidnapped British sailors and Royal Marines thank their captors on international TV. A Dutch court defines pedophilia down. In the United States, the six flying Imams threaten to sue the witnesses of their abusive behavior on US Air. So the maniacs keep bluffing normal, decent people, who just keep backing down.

Meantime, Dutch Report cites another home firebombing in Amsterdam, burning a 65 year old man to death. Apparently he'd been having trouble with neighborhood "youths."

And Ahmadinejad's Iranian Guard thugs just assassinated four Brits in Iraq, on the same day he flourished his generous release of the 15 British service people on international television.

Do you see a pattern?

James Lewis blogs at

Update: Vel Nirtist writes:

While not denying the bizarreness of the very fact that description of Mohammed’s sex with a nine-year old as “pedophilia” could be challenged in a court of law at all, I think the Danish court was absolutely right in describing this as a one-time deal.

Mr. Lewis is definitely thinking of a Western, monogamous marriage when he exclaims “I thought marriage was a sort of a long-term deal.” Not so in the East. Consider one of the inscriptions on the English Mohammed cartoon from 1788 (the image is far too big to fit the computer screen, so you’d have to use scroll bars to see all of it):

“The viziers mother frequently procures one of the most beautiful virgins whom she adorns with pearls and precious stones and brings her to the vizier where she calls her Lion and desires him to take her to his arms, this he most religiously performs and she is afterwards consigned to the Terassa (?) with 200 others who he never sees a second time.”

This definitely sounds like rather less than a long-term deal. The seraglios, it looks like, were of considerable, and constantly increasing, size. So be culturally sensitive, Mr. Lewis, when talking of sexual habits of Mr. Mohammed. Let the Danish court be your guide. They understand such matters oh so, so much better than do we, mere yokel Americans…
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