George Tenet on Al Qaeda nukes

MSNBC reports that former CIA Director George Tenet was seriously concerned about Al Qaeda efforts to smuggle "a small nuke into the United States in 2001." Al Qaeda didn't stop there.

"I'm concerned this is where UBL (Usama Bin Laden) and his operatives want to go," he writes. "If they can arrange to set off a mushroom cloud, they make history. ... My deepest fear is that this exactly what they intend."
For about ten years, Tenet writes,

"U.S. intelligence agencies 'established that Al Qaeda had clear intent to acquire chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons to cause mass casualties in the United States.'"
Tenet's book is self-justifying, as we might expect from a professional CIA bureaucrat appointed by Bill Clinton. But that's the least of our worries. The real headline news is that Clinton's CIA Director George Tenet has long been in full agreement with the Bush administration about Al Qaida getting weapons of mass destruction. That is the greatest threat to the United States today.

Which makes it all the more mortifying that the Democrats have nearly unanimously exploited the war on terror for nothing more than narrow-minded political gain, cynically lying to the American people about the nature of the threat.

Will somebody tell Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to get real? If they ever believed there was no Al Qaeda danger, they know now. And like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the mainstream media, they should be held to account by the American people if we are attacked again. If that should happen, the Democratic Party is finished.

James Lewis blogs at
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