Life imitates American Thinker

Writing in the subscription-only Political Diary at, John Fund recounts a moment from the weekend's White House Correspondents' Dinner that suggests our own J. Peter Mulhern is once again way ahead of the pack. Last month, Peter wrote a "Memo to Mitt":

No doubt the latest Gallup Poll  came as a shock to you, Governor. It must be very disappointing after all your hard work to have a guy like Fred Thompson eating your lunch as soon as he mentions in passing that he might consider giving serious thought to the possibility of studying a run for the White House. It's time to review your options and your party's. [snip]

Get Fred on the horn and offer an alliance. Offer to run for Vice President as his running mate. A Thompson-Romney team would probably sweep all the competition for the Republican nomination aside.

Senator Thompson, who is sixty-four years old, might very well have no interest in serving more than one term as President, which would make this arrangement particularly advantageous for you.
The scene in Washington, as reported by John Fund:

This weekend also featured Mr. Thompson strolling through the receptions that preceded the White House Correspondents dinner, along with declared candidates Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Mr. Giuliani. A memorable moment came when Mr. Thompson bumped into Mr. Romney and as the two exchanged pleasantries, Newsweek's Howard Fineman rushed up in mock excitement. "You guys can save me a lot of time," he exclaimed. "Form your own ticket right here and now. I don't care who is on top!" All concerned had a good laugh at that, but agreed to defer any actual negotiations till later.
Hat tip: Clarice Feldman
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