Nancy's game? (updated)

This comment by Glenn Reynolds, about all the bad press Nancy Pelosi's trip to Syria has generated, was at Instapundit yesterday (April 6)

Interestingly, I think that the more Pelosi acts like a wannabe President, the worse it is for Hillary. And I think that Pelosi knows that.
My own thoughts were that while Mike Dukakis might not have realized how silly he was going to look in a helmet when he climbed into that tank, it is hard for me to imagine that the usually stylish Speaker was unaware that few women have ever looked like anything other than servile frumps in head scarves, no matter how high quality the silk.  Hatred and jealously certainly can do funny things to people's judgement about their own best interests. Glenn Reynolds' take on Pelosi's trip reminds me of a client in the middle of a messy divorce, a self made millionaire, who spurned my tax planning idea with this contemptuous comment: "Every dollar I give to the IRS is fifty cents I don't have to give to her."   Of course, all my client ever had to lose for his pettiness was fifty cents from his own pocket.  The idea of circumventing U.S. foreign policy and cozying up to terrorist states as part of an entirely personal cat fight is chilling beyond words.     

Update: Our faithful reader Lawrwyn wrties:

I was truly trying to keep my petty thoughts on the Speaker's fashion sense to myself, concentrating on the statement she made by covering her hair. I have not seen anyone call her on the choice of the pattern on this scarf. 

It was a pattern of fallen Autumn leaves, dead leaves. 

She was on Easter break, the cherry blossoms were already out, so her choice of pattern is totally out of sync with the season and the season's colors.   That is a September/October scarf.  Not an April scarf.  And no excuse that it was the only one they packed for her. The Autumn patterns and colors, along with the Winter/Christmas deep rich burgundies, mustards and teals are already in the back of the drawer, the bottom of the pile.  

Her choice was deliberate, as a replacement was easy to find, she was  in one of the scarf selling capitals of the world.

It is my opinion that she was sending a message, that Bush's policies are dead.  Blowing in the wind just like Autumn's leaves and once they impeach Bush and Cheney, the whole world will see who's in charge.

Don't you think that Hillary and Obama, and even Biden and Dodd sent word to their LSM buddies that Nancy. " the most powerful woman in the world" big game play must be stopped?
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