Obama blather on Imus

After cozying up to rappers who use far worse language than Imus used and never criticizing them, Obama weighed in late with the usual blathering cheap shot:" We are all responsible" Tom Maguire can hardly contain himself--not with contrition but with contempt:

Sen. Obama explains that we are all to blame for Don Imus, rap music, Grand Theft Auto, and a general coarsening of the culture.
"I think that all of us have become a little complicit in this kind of relaxed attitude toward some pretty offensive things," Obama said. "And I hope this prompts some self-reflection on the part of all of us."
Good point!  I will henceforth desist in referring to women as bitches and never again will I refer to Condoleeza Rice, or anyone else, as a 'nappy headed ho'.

I do hope that Tipper Gore apologizes and accepts her share of responsibility as well.  We have all become complicit!

Well.  Since we are all responsible, none of us are.  If, I say *IF* Sen. Obama wants to lead on this issue, he could start by pointing a finger at some real targets.  Some hard targets; waiting five days and then denouncing Imus does not merit a Profile in Courage.
Interestingly, because he so frequently attacked the Clintons, both the Baltimore Sun and Newsweek indicate the get Imus swarm was coordinated and managed by her ally, David Brock's Media Matters.  I suppose Ted Rall, etc. can continue to viciously stereotype Condi Rice without MSM condemnation as long as he lays off Hillary!
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