The Fighting Brits

For those who are wondering what happened to British grit and courage, Michael Yon has one of his extraordinary "hot combat" reports from Iraq. This time Michael is embedded with a British Battle Group, involving infantry and armor --- but no helicopters! "... relying instead upon timing, terrain, maneuverability, firepower, and sheer audacity."

"In an operation that lasted over four hours, British forces killed 26-27 enemy and sustained no casualties. 5 Platoon fired more than 4,000 bullets before their guns began to cool, and about 15 of the enemy kills were accredited to 5 Platoon. Another platoon captured two enemy fighters, including one Iraqi policeman who might have been heeding al Sadr's call for Iraqi Police and Army forces to turn on their Coalition partners."
Obviously there's nothing wrong with the morale, training and leadership of these soldiers. But why don't they have helicopters? And if they don't, why don't they work in tandem with US forces that can give them fast heli support?  Does anybody wonder if these gutsy fighters are getting lousy support from politicians back home?
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