What Links the AIPAC case to the Fired US Attorneys?

The man who instituted the criminal case against the two AIPAC attorneys,Paul  McNulty, finds himself in the cross fire respecting the fired US Attorneys. The Daily Forward, explains:

In recent weeks, Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty has faced intense scrutiny for his role in the firing eight U.S. attorneys last year. Among Jewish organizations, McNulty is best known for his role in securing indictments of two employees of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee - both of whom were subsequently dismissed from the organization.

Steven Rosen, Aipac's former policy director, and Keith Weissman, the organization's former Iran analyst, are slated to stand trial June 4, nearly three years after it came to light that they were being investigated by the FBI. Both men have proclaimed their innocence.

McNulty, who brought the case against Rosen and Weissman as the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, now finds himself in the spotlight. Democrats and several Republicans have called on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to resign. Speculation in Washington is mounting that the controversy could also cost McNulty his job.

The deputy attorney general is no longer the lead prosecutor in the case. But if McNulty were to leave under a cloud, it could lend ammunition to efforts by the defense team and some officials at other Jewish organizations to paint the prosecution as a politically biased effort.[/quote]
The very best review of the ridiculous AIPAC case was, of course, in an editorial this week in the Wall Street Journal, written by Dorothy Rabinowitz. Ms. Rabinowitz earned her reputation for her indefatigable fight for justice in a series of ill-conceived cases falsely charging day care workers of sexual molestation of children. Against the tide of half-baked public opinion fueled by soi-disant "experts" she dared to speak what we all know now was the truth:These were manufactured cases using unreliable and manipulated testimony to convict innocent people. It's fitting that she has taken up the cause of justice again by speaking out for the charged ex-Aipac employees and Scooter Libby.
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