Carter's friendly advice for Jews

Jimmy Carter is as crazy as Dean and as hateful as Hamas. Carter is saying that Jews should, in effect, hate the Christians who support them and Israel. From JTA:

Former President Carter reportedly said Jews should not align themselves with Zionist Christians. Tikkun magazine editor Michael Lerner said Carter made the May 2 remarks at an interfaith gathering, according to The New York Jewish Week.

"He said it was a terrible error for Jews to become allied with Christian Zionists who actually desire our conversion or burning in hell," Rabbi Lerner related in an interview Tuesday with The Jewish Week. "He pointed out that the Christian Zionist view is part of that general theology that essentially views the Jews as an obstacle, not as friends, but temporarily views the Jews as friends in the process of bringing back Jesus and at that point having all of us convert."
As if Jews need Carter to tell them with whom to associate. Since Carter thinks other evangelicals want Jews to convert or burn in hell, does this reflect his beliefs?

Jack Kemp is not the politician of the same name.
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