Hillary Clinton, neocon?

Lefty Matthew Yglesias, blogging in The Atlantic, notes the ties between Haim Saban and Hillary that have troubled us so much, and which may be cooling. For Yglesias, Saban takes too seriously the threat of Ahmedinejad, the anti-Semitic madmen with nuclear weapons vowing to destroy Israel. Piously vowing no interest in "guilt by association", Yglesias then says that this means Hillary's views are just too darn "neoconnish".

Saban was the largest overall contributor to the Democratic National Committee during the 2001-2002 cycle, when the party leadership was backing the Iraq War and Terry McAuliffe was DNC chair, and if Clinton becomes president, they'll be back in the positions of influence they enjoyed back then. I doubt this all means that Hillary Clinton's secretly itching for war with Iran, but it's yet another illustration of the fact that her views on national security policy are too neoconnish for my tastes.
Hat tip Ed Lasky

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