A little perspective, please

Bush's commuting the sentence of Lewis Scooter Libby caused quite a stir this week. Strangely enough, the people that had the most problem with it were Hillary and Bill Clinton, along with Schumer, Reid, Pelosi, and Durbin.

We can all look back at the Clinton years in some disgust because almost everyone in America was insulted in some way.

Memories of Johnny Chung, John Huang, Charlie Trie, and the sensitive transfer of missile and nuclear technology to China's military, all for campaign cash. That same technology has ended up in Pakistan and Iran.

Clinton allowed nuclear reactors into North Korea for a promise of good behavior from a communist dictator. Remember the 77 supercomputers that were also sent to the Chinese military. Bill obstructed justice and suborned and committed perjury out of the oval office. Impeachment, who can forget Monica's blue dress, Paula Jones, Kathleen Wiley and Gennifer Flowers and the many others .

I had to stop and look this up because I didn't want to get the best part wrong. During Bill and Hillary's terms, 47 individuals or businesses connected with the Clinton's were convicted, 14 people were convicted and imprisoned while working for the Clinton's {remember Attorney general Web Hubbell} and 45 witnesses or critics were subjected to IRS audits.

The Clinton's had their own problems with Pardongate. Mark Rich, drug dealers, the pardoning of 16 FALN terrorists, etc, etc, etc.

Eight years of non stop corruption was the benchmark of Mr and Mrs Bill Clinton. Bill and Hillary are upset that Bush commuted the sentence of a man that did not leak Valerie Plame's name. That leaker ended up being Richard Armitage of the State Dept and the prosecutor knew that fact the very first day. Libby was charged and convicted of false statements under oath. Are we to believe that Bill and Hillary, Schumer, Reid, Pelosi and Durbin now feel that a perjurer should go to jail for making false statements under oath. It is stunning how America has forgotten the absolute moral depravity that was the Clinton years. Are we to believe that Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Democrat leadership are somehow morally offended.
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