Dubai (Air)Ports

Bursting with cash, Dubai is going on what appears to be a buying spree for transportation infrastructure. The latest acquisition target is Auckland International Airport in New Zealand. Ummah News Links highlights the story from TVNZ:  

A Dubai based company has launched a bit to take a controlling stake in Auckland International Airport.

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise wants to buy between 51% and 60% - and Auckland International Airport directors are recommending shareholders accept the proposal.
The following wording is a bit unclear:
Auckland International Airport Ltd (AIAL) chairman John Maasland says the proposal would see DAE invest up to $2.6 billion in the creation of a new company which would be focussed on pursuing opportunities away from the current site.
This almost sounds like some consideration being given to a new airport, but I doubt that. I have flown in and out of Auckland, and the site does not appear to be terribly crowded, and there would seem to be potential for additional runways via landfill (assuming of course the greenies would allow it. The current main runway is built on landfill). The likely meaning is that the considerable non-airport assets of the private company running the airport might be expanded.

For reasons best known to its rulers, Dubai does seem very focused on transportation infrastructure. And its status as a banking capital for the Middle East has brought vast quantities of funds to invest worldwide. Nothing necessarily sinister, but notable.
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