Former Gitmo Inmate Blows Himself Up


Questions about why we released this guy in the first place need to be asked:

A former Guantanamo Bay prisoner who took up arms alongside the Taliban after he was released from detention has blown himself up to avoid capture,

Pakistani security forces said today. Abdullah Mehsud killed himself with a hand grenade after he was cornered by troops at a house in the south-western Pakistani town of Zhob. He was wanted for the kidnapping of two Chinese engineers in 2004.

"My information is that (he) killed himself," said Atta Mohammed, the head of the police in Zhob. "Thanks be to God that only he was blown up and our men were safe."

 Mehsud, 32, was released from the US detention centre in Cuba after two years in 2004 but immediately went back to violence when the Pakistani government began an offensive against the Taliban in the troubled region along the border with Afghanistan.

Apparently, Mehsud was involved in kidnapping those Chinese citizens in Pakistan last week. One of the hostages was killed in the rescue attempt while Mehsud got away. Cornered, he decided to blow himself up to meet his 72 virgins. He's not the first Gitmo prisoner who has gone back a-jihading. And he probably won't be the last.

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