Hillary Retains Wide Lead Over Obama

In almost all categories measured in this most recent Washington Post-ABC News poll , Hillary Clinton retains a large lead over her closest rival for the Democratic nomination Senator Barak Obama.

Overall, her lead remains steady at 45%-30% among eligible voters. :

Clinton enjoys a substantial edge over Obama among the 4 in 10 Democrats who said that in assessing presidential candidates, strength and experience are more important than new ideas or a new direction.

Even among the 51 percent who prefer a change-oriented candidate, the core message of Obama's campaign, Clinton runs even with him. It may be equally important that Clinton's initial support for the Iraq war is not proving a significant impediment to her bid. Clinton has drawn criticism this year for refusing to apologize for her 2002 vote authorizing the use of force, but the poll shows her leading among Democrats who support a deadline for withdrawing U.S. forces as well as those who oppose a deadline. She has a 51 percent to 29 percent lead over Obama among those in favor of a complete, immediate withdrawal.
It is also significant that Clinton holds a 2-1 advantage over Obama - 54-22 - in the category of electability. With more than half the Democrats polled saying she has a better shot than Obama of winning the presidency, this will be a difficult obstacle for the Senator's campaign to overcome.

Clearly, Obama's rock star status has not translated into voter support - at least among party regulars. He polls significantly better proportionately among independents but even there, still trails Clinton.

It appears that unless some sea change in voter attitudes occurs between now and the primaries, Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination for president quite easily. But there is a lot that can happen in the six months between now and the Iowa caucuses - time enough for Obama to creep closer to the frontrunner and make a race of it.

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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