NYT op-ed: Israel should give Hezb'allah what it wants

Nicholas Noe pens an appalling op-ed for the New York Times. He uses the phrase "Israel's War with Hezbollah" to describe Hezb'allah's actions to obliterate Israel.

How about the war between Hezb'allah and Israel or, more accurately, "Hezbollah's War on Israel"? Noe reveals his pro-Hezb'allah sympathies (he writes from Lebanon) when he equates the arming of Hezbollah by Syria and Iran with the arming of Israel (with the help of American aid), equating the two parties. Noe talks of wars waged against Hezb'allah and Lebanon by Israel, completely eviscerating the truth, which is that Israel fought defensively in these actions, against the PLO and then Hezb'allah, both terror groups who have taken Lebanon hostage.

How can Noe claim that since the 2000 Israeli withdrawal, Hezb'allah has reduced its overt military presence and taken part in Lebanese politics and that it has a sturdy alliance with the main Christian leader, Gen. Michel Aoun? Reducing its "overt" military presence? Hezb'allah turned southern Lebanon into Hezb'allahland and uses the Bekaa Valley as its armed redoubt and training grounds. Hezb'allah turned homes into rocket bases from which it launched round after round of attacks against Israel. Aoun is widely viewed as an opportunist and as a traitor to Lebanon: he is not the main Christian leader, and Hezb'allah's alliance with him is not some form of sectarian outreach.

Noe's solution? Israel should appease Hezb'allah by ending overflights into Lebanon (necessary for self-protection, since Israel is tracking Syria's smuggling of arms into Lebanon); the return of all Lebanese prisoners (terrorists implicated in attacks against Israel); the return of Shebba Farms (which Noe believes is Lebanon's territory, despite its already being declared Syrian territory by the United Nations).

Noe believes that these acts of appeasement and American and Western outreach, will lead to Hezb'allah's reformation and bring peace to the region.

No wonder Noe is devoting his time for acting as Hezb'allah's leaders Nasrallah's mouthpiece as he works on his upcoming book, ""Voice of Hezbollah: The Statements of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah." That should be a big seller.

This is one of a series of op-eds and editorials the New York Times has run that basically serve as public relations spin for Fatah, Hamas, and Hezb'allah. Why does the Times feel terrorists deserve support?

Lest we forget, Hezb'allah has been responsible fro the deaths of many Americans, Frenchmen, Lebanese, and Israelis over the years. Hezb'allah was also the perpetrator of the attacks on a Jewish community center in Argentina that killed 85 innocent people, and an attack against the Israeli Embassy in Argentina. These attacks are ignored by Noe and the New York Times. See Rick Richman on these these murderous attacks 
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