Obama Rules Border Security "Not Germane" To Homeland Security

Via Hugh Hewitt, we get this little niblet about Senator Barak Obama revealing that he and the Democrats don't consider border security part of protecting the homeland. GOP Senators were attempting to bring up border enforcement provisions and attach them to the Homeland Security funding legislation. The Democrats were appalled at this maneuver and with Obama sitting in for Robert Byrd as President Pro Tempore, Harry Reid asked for a ruling on the germaneness of the amendment:

HR: We have to have a ruling here first.

BO: The chair is not aware of an arguably legislative provision in the House bill, HR 2638 [the homeland security funding bill], to which Amendment number 2412 offered by the Senator from South Carolina [the border security funding amendment] could conceivably be germane.

Judd Gregg: So the amendment is germane?

BO: No, that the chair does not believe that the defense of germaneness is appropriately placed at this time.

A potential commander-in-chief sees no tie between border security and homeland security? As President, his first responsibility would be to protect Americans-especially in this age-when our nation has repeatedly come under attack (or potential attack) from people from outside our borders. Should we expect David Axelrod, Obama's campaign manager, to again come to the rescue and "explain" what Barack Obama "really" meant?

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