Politics makes strange bedfellows

Gateway Pundit is compiling some very suggestive reports that Los Angeles Mayor and Hillary Clinton campaign co-chair has moved on to yet another mistress, leaving behind Mirthala Salinas, suspended anchor of the Telemundo Spanish language network's LA station, in favor of yet another slender and attractive woman, this time an entrepreneur and philanthropist of Korean ancestry. In fact, it has been speculated that the reason that Salinas broke the story of her affair with Villaraigosa is because he broke her heart, and left her a woman scorned.

It certainly does raise awkward issues for Hillary, who now appears to have some sort of attraction to philanderers. And it raises the interesting question of what the mayor will do with his name, which is actually a combination of his own birth name of Villar with his now-estranged wife's name, Raigosa.

The Los Angeles Times, which devoted an investigative team to uncovering peccadilloes on the part of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was running for governor, seems to be singularly uninterested in doing anything more than minimizing the significance of their city's mayor's amorous entanglements.

It remains to be seen how the mayor's taking-up with a non-Hispanic woman will play out with some of the more racially-conscious Hispanic activists, some of whom already detest the mayor for endorsing Hillary instead of the Hispanic contender, Bill Richardson. Given the often uneasy state of racial relations in Los Angeles, where Korean shopkeepers encounter hostility from other ethnic groups resenting their upward mobility, perhaps some of his base will find that diversity is something you don't always celebrate.

Needless to say, if this were Republican, you would be seeing no end of front page stories and television coverage. But give this one time. The blogosphere will do its digging, and when it comes to salacious stories, the public will eventually be informed. And then there is the little matter of the divorce proceedings.

So will Hillary keep the philanderer as her co-chair? No matter what she does, it keeps the public thinking about her proclaimed ability to be deceived by her husband, not exactly the best recommendation for someone who is supposed to face down Al Qaeda and other terrorists who practice deception as an art form.
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