The flag is much more than a piece of cloth

We just celebrated Independence Day but this law is in opposition to the freedom we celebrate.
A move is on in state legislatures to ensure that the flags folks will be flying and buying this Independence Day were made on this fruited plain.

Minnesota has passed the strongest measure, a new law that goes into effect at year's end requiring every Old Glory sold in state stores to be domestically produced. Violations are a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and 90 days in jail.

In Arizona, schools and public colleges were required starting July 1 to outfit every classroom from junior high up with a made-in-the-USA flag. Tennessee requires all U.S. flags bought via state contract to be made here, and similar bills are moving forward in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. (snip)

The law's sponsor, Democratic Rep. Tom Rukavina, said the flag deserves extra protection. To celebrate his legislative victory, he plans to hand out 1,000 miniature flags at Fourth of July parades in his district.

"The biggest honor that you can give the flag is that it be made by American workers in the United States of America," he said. "Nothing is more embarrassing to me than a plastic flag made in China. This replica of freedom we so respect should be made in this country."
Actually how embarrassing that an American legislature believes our flag is demeaned, this replica of freedom not respected because it is produced by workers in another country.  Our flag doesn't need extra protection--its symbolism  easily survive those haters around the world who can only burn it but not produce anything worthwhile.  And the values will continue despite huffing and puffing hot air legislators restricting our freedoms with still yet more meaningless legislation.

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