A Heartfelt Thanks

Many thanks to all my friends and colleagues at The American Thinker for their expressions of support and concern during my recent adventures with a primal force of nature; capricious and deadly floods.

If you've been following the news, you know that Northern Illinois has had some horrible flooding over the last 48 hours. We were evacuated Friday night and told that our house had a great big bullseye painted on it - an easy target for the rising waters.

But something happened on the way to Armageddon. The predicted additional three inches of rainfall never materialized. So even though I have about a foot and a half of water in the crawlspace underneath my house, the rest of my humble home was spared the worst.

Others were not so lucky. For them, they deserve your prayers and any support you can give them. But for me, a timely repreive from disaster has shown me how fortunate I am to have so many who showed their concern and support in my hour of need.

Thank you, all.

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