A productive global warming propaganda factory

Last week I wrote an article exposing the way the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) pre-packages templates for stories on the environment. At time I wrote it, I vowed to revisit the issue from time to time to see if the templates are being used. 

Well, I didn't have wait very long. Wednesday's Washington Post had a front page story on how global warming is drawing the faithful in into the fold. And by faithful, they don't mean global warming believers, they're talking about that oldtime religion, Christianity. 

The story template, action line and some sources appear to be lifted right from the SEJ website. In fact, their climate change propaganda handbook has a chapter devoted to this very topic.

Environmental reporter Juliet Eilperin sets the stage with a vivid account of an evangelical global warming convert combing through the trash her "megachurch." Through her secular progressive eye, Eilperin quotes the converts lamentations and how she did penance for her sins by trading in her SUV for a Prius. I not making this up, but I can't speak for the Post.  Eilperin leaves out the fact that Democratic Party campaign consultants have been preaching that the evangelical vote is theirs for taking if they package it up with their signature global warming issue. Bill Moyers at PBS and the network news shows have run stories using the same template.

The giveaway for me were the quotes from Sir John T. Houghton, atmospheric scientist, evangelical and prominent source for the SEJ. Houghton publishes a magazine called "Creation Care"

There appears to be a high level of like-mindedness, or maybe even coordination and cooperation going on among the global warming special interests and their shills in the media. The SEJ is working out well for those who provided its funding.
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