Calling out the global warming alarmists

Dr. Bob Carter, a research professor at James Cook University (Queensland, Australia), and Tom Harris, Executive Director of Canada's Natural Resources Stewardship Projecthave laid it on the line about global warming alarmists in an article that appeared in the Canadian Free Press. Carter studies ancient environments and climate.  The Natural Resources Stewardship Project has undertaken a project they call Understanding Climate Change.

Their article explored the shortcomings of the science that is so shaky a school girl (albeit a rather precocious one) like Kristen Byrnes, armed with a rudimentary knowledge of  science and a small dose of  courage, can challenge the myriad investigators funded by federal and UN billions.

But they also spoke to the motivations of the climate alarmists.
Carter and Harris wrote:
"Whence cometh, then, public frenzy about global warming? Is it really possible that the United Nations, many scientists, scientific academies, government agencies, politicians, church leaders, entertainers and other public celebrities are all wrong? That they are all part of one giant conspiracy?

"The short answer to both these questions is "yes", although the conspiracy involved is mostly unconscious and organized within the subgroups rather than across the whole (not surprisingly, one of the aims of Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection is to co-ordinate climate alarmism better across the many interest groups throughout the World)."
The writers say that this whole global warming alarm sounding is  
"...the result of a brilliant, if unethical, PR campaign in which environmental lobbyists have turned global warming into a moral rather than a science issue. And as a moral issue it resonates deeply with western Christian roots."
Concluding, Carter and Harris posit the vapid "Live Earth" spectacle as a fitting metaphor for the moral failings of many climate alarmists and their accessory aiders and abettors.  

h/t Steve Milloy at
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